“Tell Bnei-Yisrael to take up an offering for Me. From anyone whose heart compels him you are to take My offering. (Ex.25:2)”
The practice of systematic giving is central to the writings of the bible and a central tenet to Judaism.
The above reference contextually concerns itself with the construction of the Mishkan (Tabernacle) but highlights the importance of giving in support of God’s house, this synagogue. As it is with every enterprise, funding is necessary for the maintenance and upkeep of our physical plant as well as salaries and overhead.
Rather than drawing support from the collection of dues, we choose the tithe principle, (the giving of a tenth) first established by our father Abraham.
This synagogue has long committed itself to giving over a tenth of our annual income to aid and encourage many worthy organizations and people for the great work they do; in addition to various benevolences for those among us.
We’ve learned and have put into practice the biblical maxim “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”